Last Veteran of the American Revolution Died in Cattaraugus County

In 1915 the Daughters of the Amercian Revolution were making preparations to place a bronze tablet at the grave of Daniel Frederick Bakeman.  He was the last soldier of the American Revolution which made him quite a distinquished character.  He died in April 1869 at the age of 109.  During the later years of his life he received a pension of $500 from the government.  He was buried in the Sandusky Cemetery.  Originally only a small white marker without any inscription marked his final resting place.

Submitted by Maggie Frederickson

More information from the articles posted in the Olean Times Herald in 2015 under the title of State and Union:

Bakeman's date of death was noted as April 5, 1869. Mr. Bakeman was married to Susan Brewer.  At the time of their marriage, Daniel was 12 years of age and his wife Susan was 14 years of age. There marriage last for 91 years, 12 days, the longest-ever recorded marriage.  Susan died at age 105 in 1863.


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