The following report is a reprint of news that happened one hundred years ago in September 1913. This article was taken from the Randolph Register dated September 25, 2013:
September 5: Farmers living along the town line between Randolph and Coldspring have been considerably annoyed lately by depredations on their livestock. When this was reported to police Chief Bragg, he secured the services of Deputy Sheriff Raymond Culver to investigate. On Sunday evening while passing along the road between the Price cheese factory and Thomaa Butler's home, the officers were fired at and [the] shot struck the body and rear wheels of their buggy. Seeing a man running along a fence with a gun in his hands, Mr. Culver jumped from the buggy and started after him, while Mr. Bragg drove the horse around the fence and came up to the fellow just as he was reloading his gun to turn on the deputy sheriff. The two officers had their revolvers on the man who surrendered to the superior force. The prisoner gave his age as 19 and said he was employed on the Erie improvements.